Marie Wohlfahrt

Marie has many years of experience as in-house counsel and General Counsel within Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) and the SAS Group’s subsidiaries with responsibility for all corporate law within the SAS Group. Marie has extensive experience of large international procurement projects within several areas, such as mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing projects, marketing law, commercial contract law, IT law and data protection law. Since the early 90s, Marie has participated in a large number of international outsourcing projects.

Marie’s work has also included company law matters, corporate governance, information and regulatory matters on the stock market, handling of inside information, whistleblower matters and policy and compliance matters.  Marie has extensive negotiation experience, experience in project management and leadership experience in both change and management.

Marie is listed on Legal 500’s CG Powerlist of Sweden’s most influential and innovative corporate lawyers.

Curriculum vitae


Senior Associate, IT-lawyers in Sweden


Owner and senior lawyer, Juristfirman Marie Wohlfahrt AB


General Counsel/Legal Counsel, SAS Scandinavian Airlines


General Counsel/Legal Counsel, SMART AB (now Amadeus Scandinavia AB)


Attorney-at-Law/Associate, Lagerlöf & Leman Advokatbyrå AB (now Linklaters Advokatbyrå AB)


Legal clerk, Svea Court of Appeal


Law clerk, Stockholm District Court



Master of Laws LL.M., Uppsala University